In this post I show you how to create favicon from logo using gimp photo editor. In my example I will use logo from website.

First, in gimp I grop the logo using Crop tool (keyboard shortcut – Shift+C). Result:
Second, select by color (you can use keyboard shortcut – Shift+C). Than click on the white area.
Add foreground color to selected elements (#252424) by dropping this color to selected area.

Add new layer with transparency.

Add background color #fff to this layer. And move the added layer to the bottom.

Increaze zoom of the image to 400%. Select the top layer (rlr-la-logo-light.webp). Remove dark line using Eraser Tool.

Set image canvas size.

Use Rectangle Select Tool.

Click on active layer and select “Merge Visible Layers”.

Click Delete. Result:

Save image (File – Save) and export (File – Export As) in png format. That’s all!