Create favicon from logo in gimp

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In this post I show you how to create favicon from logo using gimp photo editor. In my example I will use logo from website.

First, in gimp I grop the logo using Crop tool (keyboard shortcut – Shift+C). Result:

Gropping logo

Second, select by color (you can use keyboard shortcut – Shift+C). Than click on the white area.

Add foreground color to selected elements (#252424) by dropping this color to selected area.

Drop color to layer

Add new layer with transparency.

Add new layer
Add transparency to layer

Add background color #fff to this layer. And move the added layer to the bottom.

Increaze zoom of the image to 400%. Select the top layer (rlr-la-logo-light.webp). Remove dark line using Eraser Tool.

Set image canvas size.

Set image canvas size.

Use Rectangle Select Tool.

Use Rectangle Select Tool.

Click on active layer and select “Merge Visible Layers”.

Click Delete. Result:

Save image (File – Save) and export (File – Export As) in png format. That’s all!